Thursday, April 30, 2009

Baby Shower in a Box

My best friend Alyson is having a baby shower soon so we put a box together for her and her hubby Todd. We bought them some diapers, cute clothes, lotion and all kinds of goodies. I was tempted to buy them What to Expect the Toddler Years but I didn't want to scare them. Seriously if you ever want to read a scary book just look at the 24th month :) Eric had a blast wrapping and un wrapping stuff. He carted around the lotion and pulled most of the tape out of the dispenser. He got it in his hair which effectively ended playing with the tape for the moment. We are so excited for Todd and Alyson and we wish them the best and hope they enjoy their baby box!

1 comment:

Alyeic said...

Thank you so so much! You are truly amazing! I still need to send you an email. I got the package the Monday after the shower and Todd and I had so much fun opening. I was expecting a package since you gave us a few things before you left and then sent some books for the shower. We love the outfits...too cute! We'll take some pictures of him in them for you:)