Friday, November 14, 2008

UFOs and Evolution

Tonight I realized that Evolution is a load of poop. In my case literally! After dinner of cheese ravioli I gave Eric a bath. He played and laughed and then I inspected the water a little closer and realized why he was playing and laughing... We had UFOs!!! That's right Unidentified (what did he eat?) Floating Objects. I scooped him up, got him dried off and dressed and then went back to fish them out of the water. Tonight I have to go and clean everything! He laughed and thought is was the funniest thing in the world. This incident made me think about the theory of evolution and how we all evolved from monkeys etc. I DON'T BELIEVE IT!!! There are days I could use a tail to open the door when my hands are full or an extra set of arms to carry all the groceries in. If we had evolved, labor wouldn't hurt so bad and the baby would just slide right out. I guess that one could argue that we have evolved into a nice little technologically advanced society but I for one want my tail back!

Patches aka "No No" the Horse

I tried to get my Christmas shopping done early this year. Since I don't have help and have 2 flights of stairs to go up I put Eric's Christmas on lay a way. Over here if you see something and don't buy it, it won't be there when you go back to get it... even the next day. I found little Patches the rocking horse and thought how wonderful it would be for Eric. The best part was that the box was light and I could carry it and Eric up the stairs, so I bought it. While I was packing I decided that Patches came in a nice lightweight sturdy box that I could use to pack clothes and shoes in to ship. What I didn't expect was for Patches to come with thirty something stickers. I began putting them on being careful to make sure that everything was in the right place. Eric loves stickers! He tried to pull them off as I put them on and I said "no no" Now Eric understands what No means and he can even point to the things he isn't supposed to touch. I finished Patches and I felt proud that he actually looked like a horse. I gave him to Eric and he walked up to him, pointed to him and said "NO NO" and walked away. It took me an hour or more to convince him that he could ride his horse and that he wouldn't get in trouble. He kept giving me this look like "Lady, I know it is a trick! You just want a reason to put me in time out so you can get a break! I am not stupid! You can keep the horse!" Needless to say I learned yet another important parenting lesson. Put stuff together after the baby is in bed. As of today (2 days later) everytime he gets on Patches he looks at me just to make sure it is ok.


Apparently it takes me a while to learn a lesson. I should know by now that anything left in Eric's reach is fair game. I gave him cheetos for the first time a few weeks ago and he loves them. He just loves them! I gave him a few at lunch for a treat and I left the bag on the edge of the table. I was getting us ready to go out and I heard a rustling noise. I came out to inspect and this is what I found. In a matter of seconds, Eric had dumped the Cheetos on the floor and had two in his hands with bites taken out of each one. The look he gave me was priceless. It was ha ha I am smarter than you are... I guess that it is time to invest in chip clips. Hey if anyone needs a Christmas gift idea there it is.


No we are not moving again, we are just coming home for a semi extended stay. The holidays are hard like we knew they would be so we are on our way. I decided that it would be smarter (and cheaper) to ship clothes, toys and Christmas presents home instead of attempting to carry all that luggage plus a car seat and a tired baby As I started packing Eric made it his personal mission to make sure that I was packing the right stuff. He found his little box of toys which contained his books as well and decided that suddenly he just had to play with them. Now mind you there are two baskets FULL of toys, actually overflowing with toys and a big basket full of books. He looked at me like I was crazy for wanting to pack his stuff up. I just hope it all makes it or he may not forgive me for losing his Doggie book.

Little Pumpkin

Halloween was really fun this year! I think that I was just as excited as the kids in the neighborhood. Trick or Treating began at 6 so I got Eric dressed early which worked out great because it took me a while to get pictures. We went downstairs and I opted to use his umbrella stroller so that he could get candy, be safe from cars and other kids and so we wouldn't spend an hour and a half getting to five houses. He can run like there is no tomorrow but he is so interested in everything that we would never had gotten to half the houses we made it to. At first he couldn't understand why I was taking him up to strangers to get candy but after a few houses he began to understand that if he was cute and played the shy card then they gave him lots of candy. I ended up carrying the bucket because he had a piece of candy in each and and the bucket got heavy. He had a blast! He laughed at the people all dressed up and was so excited to see so many other kids out. It was really a lot of fun. We ended up sending (most of) the candy to Daddy.

Tuesday, November 4, 2008

Two things to be happy about this morning!

Well, it is 7:30am my time which means that all of my friends in the states are sleeping as we start our day. Eric has been really sick the last two days and I got very little sleep last night. I woke up this morning (for the 50th time) to a child with a normal temperature and a normal appetite. I went online to check my mail and saw that the results are in... OBAMA WINS!!! I don't usually let my political views be known but I did vote for Obama. In all honesty, we can all find fault with someone and I know that some of you are dead set against him but from my point of view and in my situation we definitely need a change. I am happy to say that I lived to see the day where we looked past race and saw the bigger picture. Well, I have to go and chase after Eric. He knows that I am dragging and can use that to his advantage. I should also probably start cleaning up a little since when he gets sick everthing else goes and the house is a mess. It is going to be a SUPER FUN day. I just hope no telemarketers call me or they may regret it.